Fuller Sense
Rediscovering Your Natural Self
Explorations in Sensory Awareness, Vitality and Writing
Richard Lowe was authorized by Charlotte Selver in 1979 to lead others in the study of Sensory Awareness after many years of extensive study with her and her husband Charles V.W. Brooks.
A past Executive Director of the Sensory Awareness Foundation, he also co-edited Reclaiming Vitality and Presence: Sensory Awareness as a Practice for Life, and served as the first president of the Sensory Awareness Leaders' Guild. Additional related intensive studies include Breath Awareness Therapy with Magda Proskauer and graduate training in Dance/Movement Therapy at J.F.K. University.
Drawing from his over 30 years as a licensed psychotherapist (now retired) Richard strives to cultivate a safe and supportive group atmosphere in which people can feel empowered to explore the truth of their own somatic experience.
He believes in the health promoting power of this kind of somatic exploration and in its restorative and rebalancing affects for both body and mind. He finds this way of working helps to calm our too often over stimulated fight-or-flight response, while helping loosen up unhealthy, restricting habits and attitudes, increasing the capacity for fuller relaxed presence, openness and resilience.
He also believes that as our sense-ability deepens our embodied nature reawakens and we become freer from those dysfunctional habits, tensions and distorted perceptions that too often limit our potential.
Reclaiming Your Natural Vitality
Sensory Awareness and private writing
Online classes on Zoom.
- Experience a fuller embodied sense of balance and grounding as you become more freshly alive in the present moment.
- Rediscover the vitality and self righting wisdom of your own nature.
- Develop a deeper connection with your authentic self.
Some time for journaling will be offered to help better deepen and integrate your experience. Any such writing will be optional and need not be shared.
To sign up for Zoom online class:
email me at richlowemft@yahoo.com, or call 415 302-9801.
Classes on Zoom:
Sunday 9:00 am -10:30 Pacific Standard Time
8/4, 8/18, 9/1, 9/15, 2024
$75 for series or $25 per drop in class.
(You can start at any time, but the entire series is recommended for maximum benefit.)
via your bank through Zelle to:richlowemft@yahoo.com
or pay through: PayPal/Fullersense
or mail to 1835 San Jose Ave., Alameda CA 94501
For more info. or about future in person workshops
or to sign up contact Richard at: richlowemft@yahoo.com.
or at 415-302-9801
email to get link to join Zoom Meeting.